Can I Put My Crypto In A Trust?

by | Jun 12, 2023 | estate planning

Crypto in a Trust


Cryptocurrency has emerged as a popular digital asset class, and as its adoption grows, individuals are seeking effective ways to manage and protect their crypto holdings. One option gaining attention is placing cryptocurrencies into a trust. 

Crypto in a Trust

The ability to put your cryptocurrency into any trust depends on various factors, including the specific trust structure, jurisdiction, and the policies of the trust itself. While it may be possible to find trusts that accommodate digital assets like cryptocurrencies, not all trusts are equipped or willing to handle them.


While a dedicated cryptocurrency trust is often the most appropriate option for holding and managing cryptocurrencies, there are alternative trust structures that may accommodate cryptocurrency assets. Here are a few types of trusts that could potentially be used to hold cryptocurrencies:


Revocable Living Trust: A revocable living trust allows individuals to maintain control over their assets during their lifetime and designate how they should be managed and distributed after their passing. Depending on the trust’s terms, it may be possible to include cryptocurrencies as part of the trust’s assets.


Irrevocable Trust: An irrevocable trust is a legal arrangement where the grantor transfers ownership and control of assets to the trust. Since the grantor no longer owns the assets, they are generally protected from estate taxes and can be managed and distributed according to the trust’s terms. If the trust agreement permits, cryptocurrencies can be included as part of the trust’s holdings.


It’s important to note that the inclusion of cryptocurrencies in these types of trusts may require careful planning and the involvement of legal and financial professionals. The specific legal and tax implications will vary based on your jurisdiction, so consulting with experts who specialize in trust and estate planning is advisable to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Understanding Cryptocurrency Trusts

A cryptocurrency trust, also known as a crypto trust or digital asset trust, is a legal entity or structure designed to hold and manage cryptocurrencies on behalf of beneficiaries or investors. It provides a framework for the secure storage, management, and potentially the distribution of cryptocurrencies.


Here are some key characteristics and functions of a cryptocurrency trust:


Asset Custody: A cryptocurrency trust typically serves as a custodian for digital assets, holding private keys or access to wallets that contain the cryptocurrencies. This helps ensure secure storage and protection against loss or theft.


Investment Management: Crypto trusts may engage in active management of the cryptocurrency holdings. This could include buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies to maximize returns or achieve specific investment objectives outlined in the trust’s mandate.


Risk Mitigation: Cryptocurrency trusts often implement robust security measures and risk management protocols to safeguard the assets against hacking, fraud, or other potential threats. These measures could include multi-signature authentication, cold storage solutions, and third-party audits.


Estate Planning: Cryptocurrency trusts can be used as part of estate planning strategies to facilitate the transfer and management of cryptocurrencies upon the grantor’s passing. They can provide clear instructions on how the assets should be handled and distributed to beneficiaries.


Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the jurisdiction, cryptocurrency trusts may need to comply with applicable regulations, such as anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, to ensure legal and regulatory compliance.


It’s important to note that the specific features and functions of cryptocurrency trusts can vary. Each trust will have its own set of rules, terms, and conditions, so it’s advisable to consult with legal and financial professionals experienced in cryptocurrency and trust law to understand the specific implications and options available in your jurisdiction.

Benefits of Putting Crypto in a Trust

Probate Avoidance:

One of the primary advantages of utilizing a cryptocurrency trust is the potential to bypass probate. When cryptocurrencies are transferred to a trust during the grantor’s lifetime, they no longer form part of the grantor’s probate estate. Instead, the trust becomes the legal owner of the assets. Upon the grantor’s death, the assets can be distributed to the beneficiaries specified in the trust agreement without going through the probate process, which can be time-consuming and costly.


Enhanced Asset Protection:

By placing your crypto in a trust, you can benefit from enhanced asset protection. Cryptocurrencies are stored in secure digital wallets, and the trust structure provides an additional layer of protection against hacking, theft, or loss. Trusts can incorporate robust security measures and utilize cold storage solutions to safeguard the private keys or access codes associated with the crypto assets.


Estate Planning and Control:

A cryptocurrency trust allows individuals to exercise greater control over the management and distribution of their digital assets. The trust agreement can outline specific instructions on how the assets should be managed, who the beneficiaries are, and how they will receive their share. This ensures that the grantor’s wishes are followed and provides a structured framework for the transfer of crypto assets to future generations.


Privacy and Confidentiality:

Cryptocurrency trusts offer a level of privacy and confidentiality that may not be possible with direct ownership. Cryptocurrencies are often associated with pseudonymous transactions, and holding them in a trust can add an extra layer of anonymity. Unlike probate, which is a public process, trust administration typically occurs privately, maintaining the confidentiality of asset details and distribution plans.

Considerations and Expert Guidance

While putting your crypto in a trust offers several advantages, it is essential to consider certain factors and seek professional guidance.


Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

Cryptocurrency regulations vary by jurisdiction, and it is crucial to ensure that your cryptocurrency trust complies with applicable laws and regulations. Consult with an experienced attorney well-versed in both estate planning and cryptocurrency to navigate the legal complexities and ensure compliance.


Trustee Selection:

Selecting a knowledgeable and trustworthy trustee is crucial for the proper management of your cryptocurrency trust. The trustee should have a strong understanding of cryptocurrencies and possess the technical expertise to handle digital assets securely.


Asset Custody and Security:

Given the nature of cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to consider the custody and security of your assets. Research reputable custodial services that specialize in secure storage of digital assets and can provide cold storage solutions for added protection.


Tax Implications:

Transferring cryptocurrencies to a trust may have tax implications, including potential capital gains tax upon the transfer. Consult with a tax professional to understand the tax consequences and develop a comprehensive tax strategy.

Schedule a Consultation with a Professional Estate Planning Attorney

Placing your cryptocurrencies in a trust can offer significant advantages in terms of probate avoidance, enhanced asset protection, control, and privacy. However, it is important to consider the legal, regulatory, and technical aspects involved. Galanti & Copenhaver is committed to providing personalized services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our dedicated team is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Schedule a consultation today to speak with us at Galanti & Copenhaver!